MezzoProgram TV na Piątek 16.08.2024

Piątek 16.08
Od 20:00
Roberto Fonseca Roberto Fonseca (chorus, piano) Matheew Simon (trumpet) Ruly Herrera (drums) Yandy Martinez (bass) Jimmy Jenks (saxophone) Javier Zalva (saxophone, flute) Andres Coayo (drums) Carlos Calunga (chorus) Roberto Garcia (trumpet) Directed by: Yvan Schreck Grande Halle de la Villette, 2022
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
György Ligeti: the Piano Concerto Ensemble intercontemporain, Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano) Pierre Boulez (conductor) Directed by Hanne Kaisik-Aumüller and Uli Aumüller
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Pierre-Laurent Aimard (piano) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Fantasy in D minor K. 397 Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562 - 1621) Fantasia a 4: Echo SwWV 261 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Fantasy in C minor, K.475 Andrei Volkonsky (1933 - 2008) Musica Stricta (Fantasia ricercata) Wolfgang AmadeusMozart Fantasy K Anh. 32 Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 - 1788) Fantasy Wq 59/6 Wolfgang AmadeusMozart Fantasy in C minor K. 396 Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Fantasy op. 77 George Benjamin (born 1960) Fantasy on Iambic Rhythm Paris, Philharmonie, October 3, 2022
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Thais 'Comédie lyrique' in three acts by Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912) Libretto by Louis Gallet based on the novel by Anatole France First performance in Paris, Opéra, 16 March 1894 Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra, Jean-Yves Ossonce (conductor) Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus Jean-Louis Grinda (Stage director) Marina Rebeka (Thais) Ludovic Tézier (Athanaël) Jean-François Borras (Nicias) Philippe Kahn (Palémon) Marie Gautrot (Albine) Cassandre Berthon (Crobyle) Valentine Lemercier (Myrtale) Jennifer Courcier (La Charmeuse) Directed by Gabriel Grinda Monte-Carlo, Opera, 28 January 2021
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Marcus Miller (bass), Herbie Hancock (keyboards), Wayne Shorter (saxophone), Sean Jones (trumpet), Sean Rickman (drums) Jazz in Vienna, 2011 - 58'
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Directed by Christopher Nupen 1970 was the 200th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's birth and, to mark the occasion, Daniel Barenboim and Christopher Nupen collaborated on a thirteen-part series about the man and his music. Close friends at the time, Barenboim as artist and Nupen as filmmaker, were on the cusp of long and illustrious careers in music. Much of the material they shot has never been broadcast and, until recently, the footage had lain dormant for half a century. Now the series has been resurrected in its original form. It was recorded when Daniel Barenboim was in his late twenties, full of talent, charisma and early authority. During the episodes, he talks and plays extracts at the piano, illustrating the defining characteristics of Beethoven's compositions and sharing his personal insight into the composer's mindset. Throughout, he addresses the camera directly as presenter, adding to the intensity of the narrative. For orchestral pieces, he conducts the New Philharmonia Orchestra or plays at the piano with Sir Adrian Boult taking the conductor's baton. 'Barenboim On Beethoven' is a musical journey charting Beethoven's progression in the context of his contemporaries such as Mozart and Haydn. Over twenty key compositions are performed and dissected, making this a unique body of work.
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Directed by Christopher Nupen 1970 was the 200th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's birth and, to mark the occasion, Daniel Barenboim and Christopher Nupen collaborated on a thirteen-part series about the man and his music. Close friends at the time, Barenboim as artist and Nupen as filmmaker, were on the cusp of long and illustrious careers in music. Much of the material they shot has never been broadcast and, until recently, the footage had lain dormant for half a century. Now the series has been resurrected in its original form. It was recorded when Daniel Barenboim was in his late twenties, full of talent, charisma and early authority. During the episodes, he talks and plays extracts at the piano, illustrating the defining characteristics of Beethoven's compositions and sharing his personal insight into the composer's mindset. Throughout, he addresses the camera directly as presenter, adding to the intensity of the narrative. For orchestral pieces, he conducts the New Philharmonia Orchestra or plays at the piano with Sir Adrian Boult taking the conductor's baton. 'Barenboim On Beethoven' is a musical journey charting Beethoven's progression in the context of his contemporaries such as Mozart and Haydn. Over twenty key compositions are performed and dissected, making this a unique body of work.
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Directed by Christopher Nupen 1970 was the 200th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's birth and, to mark the occasion, Daniel Barenboim and Christopher Nupen collaborated on a thirteen-part series about the man and his music. Close friends at the time, Barenboim as artist and Nupen as filmmaker, were on the cusp of long and illustrious careers in music. Much of the material they shot has never been broadcast and, until recently, the footage had lain dormant for half a century. Now the series has been resurrected in its original form. It was recorded when Daniel Barenboim was in his late twenties, full of talent, charisma and early authority. During the episodes, he talks and plays extracts at the piano, illustrating the defining characteristics of Beethoven's compositions and sharing his personal insight into the composer's mindset. Throughout, he addresses the camera directly as presenter, adding to the intensity of the narrative. For orchestral pieces, he conducts the New Philharmonia Orchestra or plays at the piano with Sir Adrian Boult taking the conductor's baton. 'Barenboim On Beethoven' is a musical journey charting Beethoven's progression in the context of his contemporaries such as Mozart and Haydn. Over twenty key compositions are performed and dissected, making this a unique body of work.
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Directed by Christopher Nupen 1970 was the 200th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's birth and, to mark the occasion, Daniel Barenboim and Christopher Nupen collaborated on a thirteen-part series about the man and his music. Close friends at the time, Barenboim as artist and Nupen as filmmaker, were on the cusp of long and illustrious careers in music. Much of the material they shot has never been broadcast and, until recently, the footage had lain dormant for half a century. Now the series has been resurrected in its original form. It was recorded when Daniel Barenboim was in his late twenties, full of talent, charisma and early authority. During the episodes, he talks and plays extracts at the piano, illustrating the defining characteristics of Beethoven's compositions and sharing his personal insight into the composer's mindset. Throughout, he addresses the camera directly as presenter, adding to the intensity of the narrative. For orchestral pieces, he conducts the New Philharmonia Orchestra or plays at the piano with Sir Adrian Boult taking the conductor's baton. 'Barenboim On Beethoven' is a musical journey charting Beethoven's progression in the context of his contemporaries such as Mozart and Haydn. Over twenty key compositions are performed and dissected, making this a unique body of work.
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Members of the Staatskapelle Dresden, Members of the Kirov Orchestra, Leningrad, Members of the London Symphony Orchestra, Members of the New York Philharmonic, Members of the Orchestre de Paris, Leonard Bernstein (direction) Bavarian Radio Chorus, Berlin Radio Chorus, Dresden Philharmonic Childrens Chorus June Anderson (soprano), Sarah Walker (alto), Klaus Konig (tenor), Jan-Hendrik Rootering (bass) Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 'Choral' Directed by Humphrey Burton Recorded on December 25, 1989
  • Platforma CANAL+ - 260
  • UPC Horizon/Kaon - 720
  • UPC Mediabox - 795

Lista stacji

O stacji Mezzo

Telewizja Mezzo

Mezzo to francuska stacja telewizyjna skupiająca się na światowej muzyce klasycznej, jazzie i tańcu. Promowana hasłem „Muzyka dla Twoich oczu”, łączy w sobie wrażenia płynące z doskonałego brzmienia i oglądanych występów. Mezzo przenosi widzów do najbardziej prestiżowych sal koncertowych, na deski scen operowych i baletowych oraz w świat znakomitych festiwali muzycznych. W ramówce kanału znajdują się zarówno krótkie klipy, jak i pełnometrażowe przedstawienia prezentujące twórczość legendarnych artystów i nowo odkrytych talentów. Pasmo uzupełniane jest muzycznymi programami i filmami dokumentalnymi. Telewizja Mezzo nadaje swój program przez całą dobę, siedem dni w tygodniu.

Historia telewizji Mezzo

Telewizja Mezzo została założona w 1992 roku przez francuską publiczną grupę mediową France Télévisions. Do roku 1998 nosiła nazwę France Supervision. W 2001 roku Mezzo połączyła się z francuskim kanałem muzycznym Muzzik, zachowując swoją nazwę. Logo stacji składa się z czerwonego napisu „mezzo” ze stylizowaną literą „m”. Siostrzaną stacją telewizji Mezzo jest Mezzo Live HD – kanał nadawany od kwietnia 2010 roku.

Oficjalna siedziba stacji znajduje się w Paryżu we Francji. Obecnym właścicielem jest francuska telewizja publiczna oraz francuska spółka mediowa Grupa Canal+. Aktualnie stacja dociera aż do blisko 60 milionowej widowni i jest dostępna w ponad 80 krajach na całym świecie – w tym w krajach Skandynawskich, w Portugalii, Rosji czy w Polsce.

Od samego początku telewizja Mezzo poświęcona była promocji muzyki klasycznej, jazzu i tańca wśród szerszej widowni. Zamysłem było dotarcie nie tylko do zaprawionych melomanów, ale także osób rozpoczynających przygodę z muzyką poważną. Oferta kanału składa się z programów w różnym formacie. Repertuar obejmuje różne gatunki i formy sztuki klasycznej – operę, balet, koncerty symfoniczne, jazzowe czy recitalie. Krótko- i pełnometrażowe występy nadawane są w blokach. Przeplatane są programem muzycznym „ InterMezzo ”.

Gdzie można oglądać telewizję Mezzo?

Telewizja Mezzo dostępna jest w Polsce w wybranych sieciach kablowych oraz na największych platformach – Polsat Box i Canal+.

Stacje telewizyjne powiązane z Mezzo

Od roku 2010 oferta nadawcy została rozszerzona o kanał Mezzo Live HD. Emitowane są na nim wyłącznie programy w jakości HD, w tym koncerty i spektakle na żywo z największych scen lirycznych, festiwali klasycznych i jazzowych oraz koncertów z całego świata.

Więcej o telewizji Mezzo

Telewizja Mezzo posiada własną stronę internetową w francuskiej i angielskiej wersji językowej. Prezentowane są na niej nie tylko zapowiedzi transmitowanych spektakli i koncertów, ale też rekomendacje muzyczne, literackie, filmowe czy festiwalowe. Aktualności na temat ramówki i nadchodzących wydarzeń muzycznych umieszczane są na bieżąco również na social mediach stacji, takich jak Facebook, Twitter i Instagram.
